Saturday, November 29, 2008

2 Jabs = Fever!

Dearest Aunty Adelyn,

I am running a fever.

Mommy and Daddy took me to see Doctor V on Friday for my 2 month check-up. Doc V measured me, weighed me and poked me twice on each thigh. It hurt so much. I tried to be as brave as I could as Daddy held me down and Mommy looked away. I managed to only cry just a teeny-weeny bit. Daddy was so proud of me. After everything, I could tell Doctor V was so impresed with me. She said I was a thriving baby! Whoop Dee Doo Dah!
Weight : 3.08kg - 5.9kg
Length : 48cm - 58cm

On Saturday, my body started getting all hot. Daddy took my temperature - 38.2degC. I was running a fever. Can't say it's too bad. I get unlimited amount of attention and lots of hugs and kisses. To make me feel better, Mommy and Daddy finally put up our Christmas tree. I can't wait for Santa to bring me my presents.

Aunty Adelyn, do you and Uncle Ker Wei have your Xmas tree up yet? I want to know.

Love Jared


addie said...

Baby J - You poor poor thing, first fever huh?
I'm sure mummy and daddy showered you with more hugs and kisses than they already do...Ur face looks scrunged up in the first picture...=(

Aunty Adelyn has no space to put a tree in Sydney =( as she used too in KL....and this year will be the 1st year aunty adelyn will be away from her family for Christmas...

Have you told Santa what you want for Christmas baby J?

imn said...

urm jared baby, why does your length vary from 48-58cm?
hope your fever has subsided and that you're feeling better now.

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