Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dearest Aunty Adelyn,

Okay ... man!... was it a packed few weekends!! Firsly, I got to wear a FULL suit on Saturday nite for Mommy and Daddy's big event. I must say, I looked very smart indeed ... buttttt ... sorry no photos of the nite to post yet .. stay tuned though!
Secondly, I went on my first VACATION!! All the cousins and I tripsy-ed our way to Kuantan and boy-oh-boy was it a FUN three days!

See!! I can feed myself, Aunty Ade!


Kor Kor Ryan, Daddy and me


Testing the pool : I liked it so Mommy said
"All system's GO!"

Not one of my proudest moments : me naked in the pool as my
swim suit went AWOL
"Kids-who-love-swimming R us"
It was also Yeh Yeh's birthday last weekend and we had a party for him.

Can u guess what just happened??

a. I kissed Mummy and got lipstick all over

b. I kissed Daddy and I got lipstick all over

c. I kissed Mr. Cherry and lipstick all over

As for habits, I've just picked up KISSING!!

Oh ... and I have to give a shout out to Amanda Jie Jie ... she's started to read my blog now.

Hello Amanda Jie Jie

Love Jared

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dearest Aunty Adelyn,

Sorry for the lack of posts. Mommy has been super lazy in updating my progress. Naughty Mommy!!

Anyways, this weekend was Ryan Ge Ge's birthday so Min Ku Ku rounded all the cousins and had a party at JUNGLE GYM!


Also, my other cousins Sophia and Nicholas came back from the States to visit too. Aunty Adelyn, Sophie Jie Jie is the prettiest Jie Jie I've ever seen. Just lookit!!

Hello Sophia Jie Jie!!
Ok .. updates on my progress. I've been growing taller ... Look! I'm almost as tall as my Yeh Yeh now!!

Mommy has also been letting me eat adult food. Ive tasted rice, chicken, fish and all sorts of veggies and FRUITS!!! Strawberries are my favourite thus far. JARED LOVES STRAWBERRIES

I've also been having REALLY itchy gums of late. My teeth are sprouting like weeds, as Mommy puts it, so I've been having the urge to bite(more so than usual) everything I can get my hands onto. Mummy's ipod holder is the yummiest by far.

My latest trick now involves me opening cupboards and drawers of all sorts looking for FOOD. It's so exciting Aunty Ade as you never know what I'll be able to find in them. It's a trick that's been putting Mommy and Daddy on the edge in fear of injuring my little fingers.

Aunty Adelyn, Mommy says she's going to be missing you a lot this weekend and she wishes that you were here.

Love Jared.